Sequestration and the GOP's Double Bind -a self inflicted wound

Taxes, Debt and the GOPs Double Bind. No matter what they do regarding the Sequestration process, the Republican Party is screwed. Their dilemma represents a form of double-bind. In fact, theirs may even be a triple-bind. And it never had to happen. The binds: 1) if they give in and raise taxes, their voters will be angry; 2) if they cut expenses, the economy will only get worse, so most of their voters will still end up dissatisfied (the rich ones will not be). The possible third bind is with the voters who don’t vote for the GOP. These voters are now in the majority – and demographic trends suggest things will only get worse. The GOP’s bad behavior, both in 2011 and now is only turning off voters even more. Do you think I am wrong when I suggest that Republicans brought about this crisis? Sorry, Sequestration was not an Obama plan - even if the plan came from the White House. Remember, ...