Ivanka Trumps is a (Adjective) (Noun) - pick your two word description

Ivanka Trump is a presidential advisor.

She is a public figure, and has access to power that few ever get.  Her security clearance allows her see information that only presidential insiders do. 

She pretends to be a softer voice, a nicer Trump.   But she is a tool and worse than useless.  

The media, fueled by conservative push back, are comparing Roseanne Barr's racist tweet to Samantha Bee's carefully constructed angry rant.  Roseanne's slur was the oldest type of slur against African Americans - comparing them to animals.  Samantha Bee's rant was a classic instance of speaking truth to power. 

So if Feckless C*** does not suit you?  Pick your own two word description.  Stupid Bitch?  Useless Piece of Shit (oops, four words).  Please add your own suggestions.  


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