The Wrath of God

I ran into God the other day at our parish's picnic. He was talking to anyone who would listen. Dressed in a sleeveless shirt with long hair and a scruffy beard, no one recognized him. He would often say he liked to be incognito when he walked among his peeps. This time, he was on a roll, "It's just a cake, a fucking cake." I assumed he was talking about the Supreme Court ruling that let Masterpiece Cake-shop off the hook. Hoping to calm him down, I reminded him, "But even a few of the liberals joined the ruling." He was not mollified. "Bunch of assholes." Then he asked me straight out, "Suppose a baker was a Catholic and refused to bake a cake for a fellow parishioner who had been divorced and who was getting re-married?" I said "that's different." "How?" Then he said "What about a licensed pharmacist who was a conservative Christian and then decided that it offended his r...