I went over the fiscal cliff and all I got....

Ok, the fiscal cliff has always been a self inflicted wound.  And like the debt ceiling debate, it is used by ideologues to get something on the back end that they cannot get up front.

And here, it's the Republicans who are playing games. What they want to do is gut the social safety net - but if they say that during an election campaign, they will lose.  So they are using the debt ceiling (the fiscal cliff is the bastard child of the debt ceiling) to try to gut social spending.

But it seems even they don't have the balls to do it.  So more temporizing.

Oh well!  We get the government we deserve.  And if the crew who ran in the primaries are representative - and I say they are, the Republicans are no longer a serious party.

Democrats have their problems too, but they are essentially honest, they believe in taxing the well to do to pay for social programs to help those in need.  Republicans won't admit what they believe - and won't pull the trigger when they have the chance.


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