Does The Left Sabotage Democrats Chances? Yes!

The left is constantly coming up with ideas that seem great to themselves but look ridiculous to the rest of us. What is worse is how these sillinesses are then used by the right to their advantage, thus sabotaging Democrats’ election chances. And this by the way is what happened in New York State this year. Probably also in California. So while overall the Democrats did well, they underperformed in NY and CA - thus losing control of the House. Let’s take a closer look at one fund raising campaign by a left wing group. The campaign tried to ramp up outrage over a trivial matter for the sake of fundraising. No doubt the campaign worked, but in the end it adds to the list of things that to average folks make Democrats look ridiculous. The group is Faithful America. They are a a left wing activist Christian group that wants to counter the influence of conservative Christian groups. They raise money with on-line petitions...