Is Caitlyn Jenner a Woman?

Are you allowed to ask? (She looks like a man in drag. Wide shoulders, thick neck, really not ones idea of female beauty.) He/she is a fading celebrity who found one last surprise to keep her act going. And it is an act. She started as a male Olympian, moved on to films and TV, ended us with the Kardashians and then became a gal. She was even praised for her “glamour.” Can we say that if glamour has any meaning at all, Caitlyn Jenner is a parody? So what? Well we are in a period of time when ordinary folks are expected to accept a political party’s catechism or shut up. This is not a good way to win voters. Both parties do this, but Republicans ask so little of voters that they are hurt far less. Democrats on the other hand are an alliance of disparate interest groups and each one has a series of talking points that they enforce by having their spokesmen go on TV as soon as someone says something that they don...