Jon McNaughton - and the failure of a "conservative artist"

If the picture above does not make you cringe then perhaps you are Jon McNaughton's audience. But to this trained painter, the image looks like the worst of American realism. It is not realistic at all. There is no sea on earth that looks like this. The image fits into what might be called the School of Thomas Kinkade - so trite as to be embarrassing. I love realistic paintings. The western tradition of realism is what I learned and is at the heart and soul of what I still attempt when I do paint. The following is a Maine seascape by Winslow Homer, who, unlike this son of Utah, really knew the sea. If you cannot see the difference in quality of presentation, then (again) you are probably Jon's audience. Oh - no I won't try to tell you why one is good and the other is not. That is not how you do it. If I was with you, I might point my finger at a specific area in Homer's work and discuss it compared to ...