Are Checks and Balances a Mistake?

Two of our founders with their true thoughts translated into modern idioms. Did we worry too much about tyranny and too little about effective government? Did our fear of tyranny cause us to create a government doomed to failure? I believe the answer is yes. When we learn about our Revolution in school, the figure of George III looms as a tyrant in the background. But he was not a tyrant. He presided over a constitutional monarchy that ruled over a people who were among the freest in Europe. Only the Dutch were more free. By the second decade of the 19th century as the US population moved west, it was already clear that we needed to build networks of post roads and canals to allow commerce to flourish. But the Democratic Republicans led by Jefferson opposed federal funding for internal improvements and in 1815 or so when the idea for a canal from New York to Ohio nearly received federal funding, the fu...